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The Newtown, CT. School Shooting, Aspergers Syndrome, and Social Networking

In Rants on December 15, 2012 at 7:34 am

I am addressing the horrible tragedy in Newtown, Conn. today:

We, as a country, keep fearing and preparing for Terrorists but should be doing more to help prevent the horrific acts committed by our own Terrorists within.

As Obama said today: “We have endured far too many …..(these past two years).” It’s not about gun control (the bad guys will find ways to have the guns while law abiding citizens won’t)…it’s about identifying and healing, if not preventing altogether the twisted minds and psyches of those that commit these heinous acts.

I like the fact LAPD has a special team that works with psych cliniticians in monitoring (and even 72 hour lock-ups) on those identified with disorders who may do harm. THAT kind of prevention should be expanded in every city in the country. Twisted minds have no geographic boundaries….they are everywhere, thus, what happened today can happen anywhere.Here’s a bit of irony – I’ve posted many times that we should not spend so much on airport security – BTDT – that “the Terrorists” will strike where it hurts us most – in our schools. And today – the “Terrorist within” did just that.

We can’t prevent this kind of tragedy. It WILL happen again. Taking away assault weapons won’t stop it. Is the death of a loved on by a handgun any less painful than the death caused by an assault weapon? A twisted, evil mind bent on committing a horrific act will find a way. If not guns, bombs. Whatever. Address the cause, not the instrument.Having said all that – and meaning it, I confess that had Adam Lanzer lived and were one of the victims my grandson, I would be in court at his arraignment to personally kill the sonofabitch – by whatever means I could get my hands on. Where there’s a will, there’s a way…….

I’ll tell you what’s on *my* mind: Aspergers Syndrome and its possible correlation to modern day techno-communication. By that I mean we, youth especially, communicate more via social networking platforms than in face to face social interaction. The upward trajectory of these “active shooter” horrific incidents would graph comparatively with the growth of social networking and all its popular devices. There could be a correlation. It’s on my mind is all. None, not a one, of these shooters have ever been discribed as “Full of life, had many friends, belonged to lots of clubs, was Captain of the Football team, great sense of humor, always looked you in the eye, great conversationalist, etc. etc.”. And this I wonder as well: Is there a genetic connection as to why it’s always a male? Anyway – Aspergers Syndrome=Social Networking.
It’s on my mind.