
Archive for August 16th, 2010|Daily archive page

When Agitators Agitate

In Fluff & Stuff on August 16, 2010 at 9:57 pm

Sometimes it’s better to have the agitator inside the tent pissing out rather than outside the tent, pissing in.

Politicians, for decades, have recognized this parable and found jobs for the agitators.  Gives them something to do.  Sometimes the newly employed agitator actually thrives in their new employment environment and become friend rather than foe.

Political activists (can substitute for “agitators”) find their pursuits fulfilling.  Fulfilling.  As in filling a void.  This is especially true when their name appears in print about an issue or on a news video.  It gives them validation.  Not exactly, “I love you, mommy”, but its all they got.

So for all those politicians who are getting beaned on the noggin by the agitators – start setting up your tent and call your buddies to do you a solid and hire the agitator.

It’s a good thing.  🙂